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6264 Cours Unit 5 lessons 22/01/2024 ACHOUR KHAOULA  
Unit 5 lessons

Unit 5:

Seance 1


  • What is a charity?

A charity is a voluntary organization. Some charities help and support people in need. Other charities try to help animals or protect the environment. Some are small, local organizations and others are larger international organizations. Some are managed by unpaid volunteers and others have salaried professionals working for them.

  • To be salaried: être salarié 
  • To be a volunteer: être bénévole
  • To support: soutenir
  • To be unpaid: être impayé
  • To protect: protéger
  • To be in need: être dans le besoin
  • To rescue : pour sauver
  • To publicize : faire de la publicité
  • To provide : fournir
  • To look after : soigner
  • To raise money : pour récolter des fonds
  • To react : pour réagir

 II - Grammar :

1-L’article indéfini ‘a’

 L’utilisation de l’article indéfini devant un nom peut en changer le sens ; par exemple le mot ‘charity’ sans article signifie ‘la charité’ en général ; tandis que ‘a charity’ signifie une association caritative.

 2 -Suffix : less’ signifie ‘without’ = ‘sans’ en français

  1. Someone who is penniless = has got no money.
  2. Someone who is jobless = can’t find workis
  3. Someone who is heartless =  is cruel.
  4. Something which  is endless = never-ending
  5. Something which is useless = doesn’t help you.
  6. Someone who is speechless = is so surprised that he cannot speak.