année (*): ____ 2022-2023 2023-2024 2024-2025
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date : Si un devoir / à rendre avant le :
titre (*):
publié (*): ____ _OUI _NON
type : ____ Cours Devoir à rendre Devoirs
consigne / descriptif :
Unit 4 : Review
1- What preposition is used before a means of transport (car, plane, bus…)?
By+ means of transport
2-Indiquer ce que l’on a réussi (ou non) à faire
*I managed to get to the school by 10 pm so it was ok!
Quand tu utilises le verbe manage, (ici conjugue au preterit) + to + base verbale, tu indiques que tu as reussi a
faire quelque chose mais que c’etait difficile.
Quand tu n’as pas reussi, tu peux dire simplement : I didn’t manage to reach Mark on the phone.
3-Verbs in past and past participle forms:
American British
cell phone mobile
grade year
principal headmaster
public school state school
period lesson
grade mark
-Volunteering programme →Helping children, visiting an old people’s home,animal welfare,working with the environment
-Physical programme →Cycling, Judo, Football,Skateboarding,Rugby,Hockey, Athletics…
-Skills programme →Pottery, Pet care,Photography, First Aid,Gardening, Film making
-Expedition →You can do your expedition on foot, by bike, by canoe, by kayak, by sailing boat….