mise à jour : 29/01/2024
thème : Ocean  

envoi leçons / devoirs / telegram



  1. Complete the sentences with the words in the list:

the moon, cloud nine, euphoria, have fun, gleefully

 The fans were in a state of ____________________ (1) all day.

He was on ____________________ (2) after their victory.

She ____________________ (3) hugged me when the referee blew his whistle to signal the end of the


 ____________________ (4) ! See you after the game.

  1. Write Five sentences using the words above
  1. Complete the sentences with the words in the list:

in glove, teamwork, 12th man, cohesive, collectively

1. The ____________________ (1) is the name given to the fans of a team in football.

2. ____________________ (2) is very important for a team to win a game.

3. The supporters form a ____________________ (3) community when their team is competing.

4. The team have done a great job, both individually and ____________________ (4) .

5. The coach and the players work hand ____________________ (5) .


  1. Match the words with their part of speech.  

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  1. Write the French equivalent of the following words.


1. Comradery ................................... (1)

2. Super ................................... (2)

3. Minorities ................................... (3)

4. Togetherness ................................... (5)

5. Delight ...................................

6. Proudly ...................................

7. Event ...................................

8. Anthem ...................................

9. National ...................................

  1. Put the verbs in the simple past/ preterit. Pay attention to irregular verbs. List attached at the end.

1. The Star-Spangled Banner officially ____________________ (1) the national anthem in 1931. (become)

2. When our team ____________________ (2) the Super Bowl in 1999, I ____________________ (NaN) 11

years old. (win, be)

3. Poet Francis Scott Key ____________________ (3) the Star-Spangled Banner in 1814. (write)

4. Last year, the Super Bowl ____________________ (4) more than 100 million people. (attract)

5. The Coca-Cola Company ____________________ (5) 10 million dollars for a 1-minute commercial. (pay)


  1. Do the same in 7 above.

1. Americans ____________________ (1) a lot of food on Super Bowl Sunday. (eat)

2. Christine Sun Kim ____________________ (2) along the national anthem for Super Bowl 2020. (sign)

3. All the stadium ____________________ (3) patriotism and comradery and ____________________ (4) up

during the singing of the national anthem. (express, stand)

4. The players ____________________ (5) absolutely thrilled when they ____________________ (6) the

decisive goal of the match. (be, score)

5. We ____________________ (7) filled with pride when we ____________________ (8) the national

anthem. (be, sing)