Unit 3 :
Shipwreck (naufrage)
Shipwreck vocbulary related lists: island (ile) - rock (rocher)- shake ( agiter)- dimmed ( attinué) - mist (brume) - glasses/spectacles (lunettes)
----Adjectives to express feelings of the survivors on the island:
Hopeless # hopful - relaxed - disappointed - desperate - determined - relaxed - angry - depressed - calm .
Seance 1:
Lord of the flies ( le signeur des mouches): a novel (roman) written by William Golding and published in 1954 ( voir page 85 piste 08):
Vocabulary related to a new topic:
- Thirst: soif
-Ship: navire
-Raft: radeaux
-Shipwreck: naufrage
- Rescue : sauver , sauvetage
Exercises : 3 , page 82 and exercise 5 , page 83 .
Translation exercise 9 on page 84.